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Тел. (812) 325-4625. E-mail: lawinst-spb@mail.ru 119415, г. Москва, ул. Удальцова, дом 19, корп. 1, оф. 12Каждая статья должна сопровождаться рецензией! Просьба указывать свою должность, ученую степень, звание, фамилию, имя и отчество, почтовый адрес и телефон.
© «Юридическая мысль», № 3 (127), 2022 На обложке – фрагмент картины
С. Дали «Рафаэлевская голова, разлетающаяся на куски» (1951)Г.А. Высоцкая** С.А. Комаров*** А.А. Матюхин****
Galina A. Vysotskaya** Sergey A. Komarov*** Anatoly A. Matyukhin****
Such a phenomenon as the conformity of the legal behavior of a person is organically connected with the requirement that implies the compliance of the legal behavior of an individual with normative regulators of various content. Its essence is, in our opinion, the lawful adherence to existing social and legal norms, expressed in various regulatory prescriptions, including legal acts, rooted in legal consciousness and legal culture, reflected in the skills of lawful behavior. The content of the normativeness of legal behavior provides for the achievement of a positive social and legal result that is optimally useful both for society and for the individual, the team in the mechanism of legal influence
in general, the mechanism of legal regulation of social relations in particular. One should join the opinion that the requirement for the normativeness